Presenters at Opening Night
11/10 -11/11/2005
Trina Robin
Trina Robins is a critic, researcher, and author. She has been writing books, comics, and books about comics for over 30 years. She produced the very first all-woman comic book anthology in 1970, has written comics as diverse as Barbie and Wonder Woman, and has adapted classic novels into graphic novels for Scholastic Books. Robins has lectured on the subject of comics all over Europe, where she curated the largest exhibit of women cartoonists ever shown, and across the United States, from the Library of Congress to the New York City Museum of Sex. Currently she writes the English language versions of four shojo manga series for Viz, and writes her ongoing graphic novel series GoGirl!
Fred Schodt
Frederik L. Schodt is a writer, translator, and conference interpreter based in the San Francisco Bay area. He has written extensively on Japanese pop culture, technology, and the historical interface between Japan and North America. He has also translated many manga into English, and was one of the first to do so, starting around 1977. His best known books on manga include Manga! Manga! The World of Japanese Comics (Kodansha International, 1983), Dreamland Japan: Writings on Modern Manga (Stone Bridge Press, 1996). His latest book, Native American in the Land of the Shogun: Ranald MacDonald and the Opening of Japan (Stone Bridge Press, 2003), has nothing to do with manga at all.
Brent Wilson
Brent Wilson is a Penn State emeritus professor of art education. For 33 years he has studied children's graphic narratives in diverse cultures and has published the results of his inquiry in scores of papers, and in two of his books?Teaching Children to Draw: A guide for teachers and parents (1982) and The Quiet Evolution: Changing the face of arts education (1997). In the early 1980s he began to study Japanese children's narrative drawings and became fascinated by the powerful influence that manga had on children's? characters, plots, and drawing skills. In 2000, Wilson and Masami Toku began to collaborate on studies of Japanese comic markets, dojinshi (manga created and published by amateurs), manga artists, editors, publishers, and directors of manga schools.
Tomoko Yamada
Tomoko Yamada is a researcher and writer of shojo manga (girls' comics). She has published an enormous number of articles related to the issues of shojo manga and women's studies in visual pop culture. Yamada has also been working as a curator at Kawasaki City Museum ( in Japan for the last 10 years, where she has organized many manga related exhibitions. Kawasaki City Museum is well known as the first public museum with a collection of Japanese manga and animation. The museum developed the first major manga exhibition in Japan 25 years ago in 1980, and it has continued to enlighten public audiences with the power of visual popular culture which surrounds us in every day life.
Presenters at Collquium
11/11 - 11/12/2005
Aaron Kerner
Aaron Kerner is an assistant professor of cinema studies at San Francisco State University. He teaches a variety of courses, from Avant-Garde Cinema to Japanese National Cinema. He has a background in art history and has taught courses such as The Ugly and Contemporary Japanese Visual Culture. He has also a curated Collapsing Histories: time, space and memory at two venues in Tokyo in the summer of 2004, including the Daigo Fukuryu-maru (it will be exhibited at the University of Hawaii in fall 2006). The exhibition is composed of 15 international artists, including two of Japan's most important contemporary artists: Kenji Yanobe and Katsushige Nakahashi. See the Web site for further details.
Jillian Sandell
Jillian Sandell is Assistant Professor in the Department of Women Studies at San Francisco State University, where she teaches classes on gender and citizenship, U.S. popular cultures, and feminist research methodologies. Her current research project focuses on the production, reception, and circulation of U.S. popular cultures in a transnational frame, with particular emphasis on the gendered dimensions of translation and transnation.
Sara E. Cooper
Sara E. Cooper is an assistant professor of women's studies and Spanish at California State University, Chico. She teaches courses on contemporary Latina/o and Chicana/o cultural production, modern Spanish American literature, and gender studies /queer studies. She has a special interest in women's experiences in Cuba. Her publications include one book, The Ties That Bind: Questioning Family Dynamics and Family Discourse in Hispanic Literature and Film (University Press of America, 2004).
Sarah M. Pike
Sarah M. Pike is Associate Professor of Religious Studies at California State University, Chico where she teaches courses on American religions.She is the author of Earthly Bodies, Magical Selves:Contemporary Pagans and the Search for Community (2001) and New Age and Neopagan Religions in America (Columbia University Press, 2004).Her current research is on art and mourning rites at the Burning Man festival and teenagers in alternative religions.
Presenters at Closing Symposium
12/8 - 12/9/2005
Marc Hairston
Marc Hairston is a professional physicist at the Center for Space Sciences at the University of Texas at Dallas and a frustrated artist who turned his life-long love of animation into a second academic career as an anime scholar. He has written numerous features for the magazine Animerica and has been a featured speaker at the annual "Schoolgirls and Mobilesuits" workshops held at the Minneapolis College of Arts and Design. He is on the editorial board of the new academic journal Mechademia and is currently editing a collection of essays with Dr. Pamela Gossin titled Masters of Anime.
Yukari Fujimoto
Yukari Fujimoto has been an editor at Chikuma Shobo publishers since graduating from the Department of Education at Tokyo University. She has organized many successfulpublications related to comics, gender, and sexuality written by female writers in Japan including Azusa Nakajima and Chizuko Ueno. She is also a lecturer at Meijigakuin University and Hosei University and has published articles and books, including a critical examination of gender issues in shojo manga, Watashi no Ibasyo wa Doko ni Aruno (Where Is My Place?), Kairaku Denryu (Pleasure Electricity), Shojomanga Damasii (Soul of Shojo Manga), and Aijyohyoron (Criticism of Love).
Keiko Takemiya
Picture and Bio Coming Soon
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